

The Taipei Department of Transportation has placed bilingual signs at zebra crossings on busy intersections along Renai Road on which buses operate in two directions, cautioning pedestrians to look out for oncoming traffic.工會勞保生育補助

Department Commissioner Chang Jer-yang (張哲揚) said that pedestrians crossing the road would be safe as long as they do not cross on a red light.

He said that the traffic lights along the road operate with a delay to allow sufficient time for pedestrians to safely cross the road.育嬰補助台北市

Department officials urged people to follow the directions at the new托育補助育兒津貼 crossings, saying that most people have ignored the advisory arrows since their introduction.

Chang said the design was modelled after some US and UK cities and is capable of boosting an intersection’s efficiency by 25 percent, or by 45 percent during peak hours.

However, some people exploit the feature in an attempt to rush across the road, putting themselves at risk, Chang said, adding that the department discourages such behavior.

The two-way bus traffic on Renai Road was believed to be the cause of an accident that killed US neuroscientist Bruce Bridgeman in July last year, when he was hit by a bus while crossing the road.

The department is to ask for tender offers for the project, with a trial run involving 50 buses scheduled for the second half of this year.

The department on Friday last week placed the signs — which read “look left” or “look right” in Chinese and English — at the intersection of Renai Road and Fuxing S Road, and on Wednesday painted markings on the road at the intersection of Renai Road and Daan Road.

The systems are close-circuit cameras that can detect changes in facial expressions — for example increased blinking suggesting that a driver is dozing off — and would sound an alarm to prevent生育津貼2017 accidents, Chang said.

By Sean Lin /申請育兒津貼資料 Staff reporter

The crossings feature arrows advis台北市政府幼兒補助台北市生育補助津貼>勞保生育津貼金額i桃園生孩子補助ng pedestrians to stay on one side of the crossings.

In related news, the department on Friday last week introduced bidirectional zebra crossings at the intersection of Zhongxiao E Road and勞保生育津貼申請勞保局育兒補助勞保育兒津貼2017>生育津貼桃園 Fuxing S Road, and a section along Songshou Road in Xinyi District (信義) near the Chianti Plaza shopping district.台南市育兒津貼2017苗栗生育補助育嬰津貼申請期限

The time allotted for people to cross the roads would not be reduced after the introduction of the new cr新生兒補助高雄市ossings, as the design is aimed at speeding up the flow of traffic, he added.育嬰補助台南

The design can also reduce physical contact between people crossing the road, he said.


The department plans to introduce two more bidirectional zebra crossings: One at the intersection of Guanqian Road and Zhongxiao W Road, and the other at an intersection near the Taipei Railway Station.

Meanwhile, the department plans to install “advanced driver assistance systems” on buses to improve passenger safety.

SIGN OF SAFETY: Taipei has instated various measures to improve roadway safety, including a system on buses to detect driver fatigue and safe following distances

生產津貼補助嬰兒津貼勞保局育嬰補助>新生兒補助台中市育兒津貼桃園市內政部育兒津貼台北市>台北市生產補助Chang said the systems would likely have the ability to “learn” expressions that suggest fatigue and would warn drivers when they fail to 育兒津貼新北市keep a safe育嬰津貼申請 distance from the vehicle in front.




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